Polaris 20mm 56x64 Single Sided Grayscale Red LED Display

Product Endorsements
View this model as a complete sign.
LED Display Specifications
Color: Grayscale Red
Pixel Pitch: 20mm (0.79")
Matrix - pixel height: 56
Matrix - pixel width: 64
Sides: Single Sided
Controller: Industrial PC
Total pixels: 3,584
Total LEDs: 7,168
Brightness: Up to 10,000 nits
Horizontal/vertical viewing angle: 140/70
Software: SignCommand.com
Frames per second: 30
Auto or manual dimming: Included
LED Display Dimensions
Nominal dimensions - final dimensions are provided on mechanical drawings.
Active display height: 3'-8" (44")
Active display width: 4'-2.5" (50.5")
Active display sq.ft.: 15.4 sq.ft.
Matching Complete Sign
For applications with a combined LED display and identification area, we recommend the following complete sign.
Complete Polaris 20mm 56x64 Single Sided Grayscale Red LED Display with 3' x 5' ID Cabinet & Digital Print Pan Formed Face
Matching Identification Cabinet
For applications with a separate LED display and identification area, we recommend the following sized ID cabinet.
3' x 5' Single Sided Aluminum Sign Cabinet with 12" Extrusion
Electrical Requirements (Estimated)
Circuit: 1 circuit at 20 amps
Voltage: 120 volts
LED Display Electrical Use (Estimated)
Typical use (daytime): 185 watts
Typical use (nighttime): 37 watts
Maximum use: 370 watts
Max draw: 3 amps
Operating cost is approximately $10 per month , assuming the average of daytime and nighttime use and a price of $0.12 per kWh.
LED Communication Methods
Cell Connect (optional)
Wi-Fi via Radio Frequency Modems (optional)
Ethernet Cable (standard)
LED Module Specifications
Pixel size: 8 x 16 pixels
Physical size: 160mm x 320mm
LEDs per pixel: 2 red per pixel
Text Capabilities
7 rows of 5.5" text
5 rows of 7.1" text
5 rows of 7.9" text
3 rows of 10.2" text
2 rows of 22" text *
1 row of 44.1" text *
* Using regular text.
Supported Formats


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